quinta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2004

Microchoques culturais (I)

“Hello, this is Tino, my friend from Portugal”
“So where are you from?”
“I’m from Portugal, but my father is Indian”
“Oh, I see, because you look like Indian only”
“Yes, my father is from Goa, but I have always lived abroad”
(gesto vago com a mão)
“Ohhh, Gowa! Very nice.” (os olhos desviam-se do meu olhar) “You have come to study?”
“MA Politics, at SIS.” (contra-ataque) “And you are from where?”
“From where? What do you mean? I am from India only”
(desespero; continuação) “Ok, but you are originally from where in India?”
“I am from Bengal”

1 comentário:

  1. From Isa: Tás a escrever cada vez melhor, Tinoco! Como arranjas tempo para isso tudo?!? Beijinhos (tá a chover em agosto...)
