quinta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2007


É pena que a Índia só entre no noticiário português quando há catástrofes naturais. E, ainda por cima, sempre desta forma e neste estilo paupérrimo, uma eterna ladainha:

As vítimas têm fome e sede e dizem-se abandonadas pelas autoridades e ONG nos últimos dias. 60% das crianças são malnutridas. "O coração dói-me. E tenho fome às vezes", disse Kanti Kumari, uma menina magra de cinco anos, que o jornalista da Reuters encontrou à porta de um abrigo feito em bambu.

3 comentários:

  1. Because Portugal is a poor country and needs to divert its woun problem.
    Thanks God we are free now from them in Goa.

  2. Vi recentemente umas notícias de uma empresa de energias alternativas em Penamacor. Também não seja tão pessimista. Aqui há uns anos, em Portugal, nem se quer se falava na Índia como potência emergente quando todo o resto do mundo já falava. É uma evolução lenta, mas evolução. Em Portugal chega sempre tudo atrasado. É a vida... Cada um tem o que merece!

  3. Yes, Portugal is really 'poor'. That comment is completely unreal, considering that our infrastructures are so much more developed than the ones in India. A good example of that is the fact that my fiancee, Marathi, born and raised in India, is taking more than 3 weeks to get a simple student loan for his masters. I went to Portugal and it took me 3 days. These little differences are a good example to show how both countries' procedures are so different when dealing with their inhabitants' needs. And don't get me started on corruption in India. It seems like there one can achieve quickly anything as long as you have some 'contacts' and pay them some money on the side! This is highlighted by my fiancee every night on the phone. Not mentioning that someone's word in India is the same as nothing, because in one day you get promised something and on the next day you are totally ignored, with the natural consequence of a promise break (and despite any written contract you might have signed). Question here is not about poorness, but about efficiency. In Portugal we might not have the IT technology, or the business careers, or even the Bollywood scenes. But we have our own economy, which is not perfect but serves everyone in the country (for good or worse). We see poverty in Portugal, true. But go to the Bombay slums, and afterwards visit the Casal Ventoso (an area in Lisbon that has many drug problems) and then tell me what kind of poor people have a better life quality: Portuguese or Indian? Pois é!
